
Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Closyn LLC's terms.

Closyn LLC dba Infloa and its affiliated companies (collectively, “Closyn”) makes this Website and provides its Service to You (both of which are defined below), subject to the following Client Agreement (the “Client Agreement”). Please read this page carefully. By agreeing to a document that incorporates this Agreement (a “Proposal Agreement”), you (and we) agree that the terms of the Client Agreement will govern the relationship between the parties as to Your use of this Website, the Service, and/or any other Closyn products or services provided to you in connection with the Proposal Agreement. This Client Agreement, together with the Proposal Agreement and Closyn’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, constitute the complete agreement between you and Closyn (the “Agreement”). To the extent there is any conflict between the provisions of the Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy and the Client Agreement, the terms as set forth in the Client Agreement shall govern. To the extent there is any conflict between the provisions in any other agreement and the Proposal Agreement, the terms as set forth in the Proposal Agreement shall govern.

You and Closyn agree to the following:

1. Definitions
“You” means the party to whom Closyn is to provide the Service (whether identified as a “customer,” “client,” “licensee,” or similar designation). If you are entering this agreement on behalf of more than one person and/or entity, then you agree the obligations imposed hereunder shall be joint and several;

“Account” means a LinkedIn account of one of our ambassadors.

“Campaign Assets” means Contact data, email domains, LinkedIn profiles, and other information collected or created as part of the Service;

2. Term of Agreement
The Client Agreement shall become effective on the date the executed Proposal Agreement is provided to Closyn (“Effective Date”). The initial term length of the Client Agreement shall be month-to-month unless otherwise dictated in the Proposal Agreement (“Term”) and will go into effect upon Your approval of Onboarding. The Term will auto-renew at the end of the initial Term. Either party may terminate by providing a written notice (“Termination Notice”). Upon receipt of the Termination Notice, termination shall become effective on the last day of the next full Term following the Term in which the Termination Notice was received (“Final Term”). All fees will be due and payable through the Termination Date. Prior to the conclusion of the Onboarding Period, You or Closyn may terminate the Client Agreement at any time by providing written notice to the other party. In the event of a material breach, the breaching party shall have 14 days from receipt of written notice to cure the material breach. If the breach is not cured, either party may terminate the Client Agreement immediately within 14 days of the breaching party’s receipt of written notice of the breach. The parties may terminate the Client Agreement at any time by mutual agreement.

Upon termination, all fees payable to Closyn for the remainder of the then-current Term shall be immediately due and payable to Closyn, and You will promptly remit all such fees to Closyn. You also acknowledge and agree that your access to any and all Closyn Technology and/or Licensed Materials (both defined below) may be automatically terminated and that Closyn will not be obligated to store any data related to You or make such data accessible for Your retrieval. You further agree to destroy any and all copies of Licensed Materials and any information obtained therefrom, whether in hard copy or electronic form, within 14 days of termination of the Client Agreement by either party.

3. The Service
Subject to the terms of this Client Agreement, Closyn will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide You with the service set forth in the Proposal Agreement and described herein (the “Service”). As described more fully therein, the Service may include providing You with access to Closyn’s intellectual property, including any and all Closyn materials that pre-date this Client Agreement, along with any updates to any such materials made other than for the specific purpose of providing You with the Service (“Licensed Materials”); access to and/or use of Closyn software, technologies, policies, and/or procedures (“Closyn Technology”); tangible or intangible items, including (without limitation), Playbooks, Total Addressable Market lists, custom modifications to any Licensed Materials, and/or training materials specifically developed and delivered by Closyn to You in connection with this Client Agreement (“Deliverables”); and customer service and technical support (“Support Services”).The Client Agreement grants You a non-exclusive, non-transferrable license to access and use the Service, subject to the terms and provisions herein, for the duration of the Client Agreement. You acknowledge and agree that the Licensed Materials, Closyn Technology, and Support Services, and all related documentation and other intellectual property thereof, remain the exclusive property of Closyn, and that this Client Agreement does not transfer any ownership, right, title, or interest in any Closyn intellectual property to You, except as specifically provided herein.

Any Deliverables Closyn delivers to you shall be Your property. You further agree that to the extent you receive any Deliverables from Closyn in connection with this Client Agreement, You grant to Closyn a non-exclusive, worldwide, transferable, irrevocable, royalty-free limited license to internally use, modify, and copy the Deliverables, and that upon termination of the Client Agreement Closyn shall have no obligation to destroy or deliver any copies of the Deliverables in its possession to You.

The Service will be provided as it exists and is updated from time to time by Closyn. Licensed Materials and Closyn Technology may also be updated and revised from time to time. Features and functionality of the Service, Licensed Materials, Closyn Technology, and customer service are provided “as is” and as modified, altered, and/or amended at Closyn's sole discretion. Closyn shall have no liability to You for any modification to the Service, provided that the Service provided substantially conforms to the description set forth in the Proposal Agreement.

LinkedIn - LinkedIn profiles have confidential login credentials and are recyclable Closyn assets. Therefore, upon termination of agreement/services, LinkedIn profiles used for marketing efforts are deactivated. They are disconnected from any relationship to the client, reverted to a generic persona for a cooldown period long enough until Closyn can reuse these assets for marketing efforts for other clients.

Contact data - Contacts are provided to clients upon termination of services.

4. Payment and Taxes
You agree to pay all fees as stated in the Proposal Agreement and all other fees applicable to your subscription to the Service as provided herein (collectively, the “Fees”). All Fees are due immediately upon receipt of an invoice from Closyn. Closyn’s acceptance of partial payment of the Fees or any amount less than the full amount payable at any given time shall not constitute a waiver or release of Closyn’s right to unpaid amounts.

Closyn requires a direct debit form of payment. You have 3 payment options:
- Pay monthly with credit card - your credit card will be charged on monthly renewal dates.
- Pay monthly with ACH transfer - your bank account will be direct debited on monthly renewal dates.
- Pay via invoice - first 3 months and each ensuing 3 months will be invoiced and payable in advance.

If You fail to make a payment within 30 days of your due date, Closyn may, in its sole discretion, restrict or suspend Your access to any and all Licensed Materials and/or Closyn Technology, and/or terminate this Client Agreement for material breach. Closyn shall have the right to charge interest at the rate of 2% per month (or, if less, the highest rate permitted by law) on any late payments.You are responsible for the payment of any and all applicable taxes as invoiced.

5. Confidentiality
Each party shall keep confidential any and all information of the other party obtained prior to or during the term of the Client Agreement (“Confidential Information”), and shall protect the confidentiality of this material using commercially reasonable efforts (including all precautions that such party employs with respect to protecting its own confidential materials). You and Closyn agree to use Confidential Information solely for the purpose of carrying out our respective obligations and/or enforcing our respective rights pursuant to this Client Agreement. Confidential Information and information derived therefrom may be divulged only to those of each party’s employees, representatives, and/or affiliates who have a reasonable need to know such information. Neither You nor Closyn may share Confidential Information with any third party except: (1) as may be required by an order of Court or other quasi-jurisdictional or regulatory body with the legal right and power to demand such information; (2) to legal, business, and financial advisors, in each case where such disclosure may be required for legitimate legal, business, or tax purposes (and where the recipient of the Confidential Information agrees to receive and maintain the information in confidence); (3) for purposes of seeking contribution, defense, or indemnification and/or as necessary to comply with, enforce, or defend against enforcement of this Client Agreement; or (4) as otherwise required by law. In the event You or Closyn receive a legal request or demand requiring the production of Confidential Information, You and Closyn agree to notify the other party of such request and afford them a reasonable amount of time (in any event, no fewer than ten days unless a shorter time period is required by Court order) to object to the request before making Confidential Information available to the requesting party. In the event of a breach of this provision, the non-breaching party shall be entitled to, in addition to other remedies, temporary and permanent injunctions restraining such breach, and to a decree for specific performance of this provision. All Confidential Information shall be returned to the disclosing party or destroyed by the receiving party upon written request.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Closyn is not required to keep Your identity confidential and may use it in connection with marketing the Service. You grant Closyn a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use Your name and any associated trademarks, logos, slogans, etc. in marketing materials for the purpose of identifying You to other potential Closyn customers unless You specifically revoke this license in writing.

6. Representations & Warranties
Closyn shall use commercially reasonable efforts consistent with industry standards to provide the Service in a manner which minimizes errors and interruptions and avoids exposing You to liability. However, Closyn does not warrant that the Service will be uninterrupted or error-free. Closyn provides the Service “as-is,” and expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, with regards to the Service.

You represent and warrant that you will not, in connection with this Client Agreement, engage in, encourage, or permit conduct that would violate any applicable law, rule, regulation, or any right of a third party.You further acknowledge and agree that Closyn will not indemnify or defend You except as expressly provided herein. Among other things, direct marketing campaigns bear a risk of allegations (substantiated or otherwise) that consumers were contacted without obtaining prior affirmative consent. By using the Service, You assume the risk of liability for claims that You contacted consumers without consent. Closyn makes no representation to You that it will obtain prior consent on Your behalf. You, and not Closyn, are responsible for ensuring Your marketing campaign complies with state, local, and federal laws governing consumer consent.

7. Limitation of Liability

8. Arbitration and Class Action Waiver
If You and Closyn cannot resolve a Claim through informal negotiations, the Claim shall be finally and exclusively resolved by binding arbitration. “Claim(s)” means any claim or dispute between the parties and/or their parents, subsidiaries, affiliated companies, employees, agents, officers, owners, directors, successors, and/or assigns (who shall be third-party beneficiaries of this arbitration provision) arising out of or related to this Client Agreement or the Service. This arbitration provision is reciprocal, and any election to arbitrate by one party shall be final and binding on the other. This arbitration provision, including the interpretation and enforcement of this provision, shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act and federal arbitration law. The scope of this arbitration provision is to be given a fair interpretation to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law and not strictly against either party.

The arbitration shall be commenced and conducted through JAMS (www.jamsadr.com) under its applicable rules, as modified by this arbitration provision. The parties shall each participate in the selection of a neutral arbitrator. If JAMS is unavailable to arbitrate, you and Closyn agree to arbitrate using an alternative arbitral forum. All remedies available to the parties under applicable laws shall remain available in arbitration. All issues, including the interpretation and enforceability of this arbitration provision, shall be determined by the arbitrator. Unless you and Closyn agree otherwise in writing, the final arbitration hearing shall take place in person at the JAMS facility closest to Wilmington, Delaware provided that either party may elect to have the arbitration conducted by video conference or telephone. If you initiate arbitration against Closyn, you will be required to pay an initial fee (unless you qualify for a waiver), and all other arbitration costs shall be paid as determined by the arbitrator. If Closyn initiates arbitration against you, it shall pay all costs associated with the arbitration. Regardless, you and Closyn will each pay your own attorney’s fees and costs unless an award of attorney’s fees is available under applicable statute. This arbitration provision does not limit any rights you may have under applicable statutes, including any rights to file a claim on an individual basis in small claims court or to seek a “public injunction.” The arbitrator’s award will consist of a written statement stating the disposition of each Claim. The award will also provide a concise written statement of the essential findings and conclusions on which the award is based. The arbitrator must follow applicable law, and any award may be challenged if the arbitrator fails to do so. Either party may seek relief in a Court of Competent Jurisdiction (defined below) to stay proceedings pending arbitration, to modify, confirm, vacate, or enter judgment on the award entered by the arbitrator, or for injunctive relief in aid of arbitration. You agree that without this provision, you would have the right to sue in court with a jury trial.

No party shall commence or seek to prosecute or defend any dispute, controversy, or claim based on any legal theory arising out of or relating to this Client Agreement, or the breach thereof, other than on an individual, non-class, non-collective action basis. The arbitrator shall not have the power to consolidate any arbitration under this Client Agreement with any other arbitration, absent agreement of all parties involved.

9. Indemnification
You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Closyn and its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, agents, partners, successors, and permitted assigns from and against any and all actual or threatened claims of third parties arising out of or in connection with (1) Your access or use of the Licensed Materials in violation of any law, (2) Your violation of any provision of this Agreement, (3) Your sending of any information, messages, or materials to any Licensed Materials Contact (including, but not limited to, through e-mail, mail, or fax) in violation of any law or the rights of any third party, or (4) the use of any Licensed Materials or Closyn Technology by any third party to whom You have granted access (including access obtained through use of the usernames and passwords assigned to Licensee and its personnel).

Closyn shall indemnify You for any damages finally awarded by any court of competent jurisdiction against You in, or for amounts paid by You under a settlement approved by Closyn in writing of, any legal proceeding brought by a third party alleging that the Licensed Materials or Closyn Technology infringed upon a third party’s intellectual property rights.

As a condition to any right of indemnification under this agreement, the indemnified party must provide written notice of the claim or proceeding, allow the indemnifying party the opportunity to assume the defense of the claim (except in the event of a conflict, in which case the party seeking indemnification will notify the indemnifying party, in writing, of the existence of a conflict), and cooperate in the indemnifying party’s defense of the claim to the fullest extent possible. Neither party is entitled to indemnification except as specifically stated herein.

10. Miscellaneous
Subject to and without waiving the arbitration provision above, This Client Agreement shall be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Delaware without regard to its conflict of law principles, and the proper venue for any judicial action arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be the state and federal courts located in Wilmington, Delaware (a “Court of Competent Jurisdiction”). You and Closyn stipulate to, and waive, any objection to the personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts and submit to extraterritorial service of process. If you reside outside the U.S. and bring a Claim against Closyn outside the U.S., applicable laws may authorize you to bring a Claim against Closyn, which shall be brought in your individual capacity, in the forum where you reside.  

In the event any portion of this Client Agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be unimpaired and the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a mutually acceptable provision, which comes closest to mirroring the parties’ intentions underlying the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision.

You agree to provide an email address for notices under this Client Agreement. All notices or other communications permitted or required to be given hereunder shall be sent by email to the email address provided by the other party for such purpose and shall be deemed given when sent. Notices to Closyn shall be sent to legal@closyn.com. If You fail to provide an email address for notices, Closyn may provide notices hereunder by any means reasonably calculated to provide You with actual notice thereof, and such notice will be deemed g
iven when sent.

You or Closyn may propose amendments to this Client Agreement at any time by providing written notice of such proposed amendments. Such proposed amendments shall be deemed accepted thirty (30) days after the date when notice is given unless You inform Closyn that you do not accept such amendments. No other modification or claimed waiver of any provision of this Client Agreement will be considered valid except by written amendment signed by both parties.

Neither Closyn nor any of its affiliates will be liable for any delay in performance or failure to perform any obligation under this Agreement where the delay or failure results from any cause beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, labor disputes or other industrial disturbances, electrical or power outages, utilities or other telecommunications failures, earthquake, storms or other elements of nature, blockages, embargoes, riots, acts or orders of government, acts of terrorism, pandemics, or war.

11. Use of LinkedIn Profiles

Restrictions on Profile Alterations
As a customer of Closyn LLC ("Closyn"), you acknowledge and agree that the LinkedIn profile (the "Profile") provided to you as part of the Service is a proprietary asset of Closyn. Accordingly, you are prohibited from:
a. Changing the Profile name;
b. Altering the associated email address or password;
c. Modifying the LinkedIn URL linked to the Profile;
d. Adjusting or disabling the two-factor authentication (2FA) settings;
e. Hibernating, deactivating, or closing the Profile;
f. Deleting any preexisting connections linked to the Profile.

Prohibited Content and Use: You shall not use the Profile for any purposes that are unlawful or prohibited by this Agreement. Specifically, you shall not:
a. Use profanity, post or display nudity, or engage in any behavior that could be construed as inappropriate or offensive;
b. Utilize the Profile in any manner related to scams, fraudulent activities, or any other unlawful actions.

Automation Limits: In using the Profile, you are subject to the following automation limits to ensure compliance with LinkedIn's policies and to maintain the integrity of the Profile:
a. No more than 400 connection requests shall be sent from the Profile per month;
b. A limit of 250 LinkedIn actions daily per Profile, which includes but is not limited to, profile visits, likes, comments, and other similar actions.Violation of any of the above terms may result in immediate suspension or termination of your access to the Service, at Closyn's discretion, in addition to other remedies available to Closyn under this Agreement or applicable law.
